
Teluma games


From Concept to Game

From Concept to Game

We always loved VR, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit we suddenly had a lot of time on our hands. Then we were thinking, what’s something we always wanted to create?
Perv Simulator was born.



Soon there will be a detailed roadmap of all the plans we have for Perv Simulator.



We did our research by playing al the old and newest VR games. Our team exists of experienced game designers and 3d modelers / developers.

Player Feedback

Player Feedback

We think your opinion is extremely valuable to us. We want to create this game together with you all, the community.



Just like everyone, the life of a pervert is changing almost daily. We couldn’t get it over our perverted hearts to not bring you more content later.



We grew up with games like Doom, Half-Life, Deus Ex, Oblivion and we’ve always had a passion for games. That’s what we want to bring you.

contact us about press matters, potential sponsorships,
and team admission requests

Perv Simulator is fictional and is only ment to be entertaining. We don’t want to encourage any violence and/or harassment. See this game as a fun game to play with your friends and have a laugh.

What is PERV Simulator?

Perv simulator is a fun and absurd VR experience to play with or without your friends (if you have any that is).

It gives you the thrilling experiences of being a voyeur, looking at women and satisfying your pervert needs.

How do I purchase perv simulator

Perv Simulator is (only) available on Steam Early Access right now.

How do you come up with a game like this?

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, we needed to come up with something new and exciting to shake up our workdays. Try something new and just see where it goes.

We brainstormed with some beers and pizza and our game was born:

Perv Simulator.

I don't like the price, can i get a discount?

The game is in early access at the moment. This means that you are already receiving a discount by buying it now. Be aware, the later you get the game, the pricier it will get as we add more and more content.

I'm a streamer and/or influencer, can I get a key to promote your game?

Yes you can! Please contact press@telumagames.com

What about DLC?

It’s planned. Currently, we are working on new maps, items, mechanics and of course new beautiful specimen to look at. 😉

I feel disturbed after playing your game

Yeah, we all were the first time. Keep playing! Oh and taking a shower and contemplating your life choices also seems to help for some of our team members.

After playing this game I feel dirty, am I a pervert now?

As long as you keep this behaviour within our game, you should be OK.

Is there a roadmap available?

Not yet. We are working on one though!

Will there be mod support?

No. For the simple reason that we want complete control over what is shown in the game. We at Taluma don’t endorse any pornographic content that is not allowed within international laws. By making sure we don’t give any support regarding mods we keep the reigns and can make sure our game is completely cool to play for any adult worldwide.